Родена в гр.Варна, завършва НУИ ‚Добри Христов“ в класа по пиано на г-жа Юлка Жекова. Продължава образованието си в Академията за музикално и танцово изкуство, гр. Пловдив със специалност музикална педагогика. Работи пет години в представителен детски хор, Добрич, под ръководството на маестро Захари Медникаров.
Тя е дългогодишен корепетитор в Държавна опера - гр. Варна, а от 1986 г., с известно прекъсване, работи като хормайстор на хора на варненските учители АРС МУЗИКА, а от 2012г. е и негов диригент.
Vesselina Marinova - conductor
Born in Varna, graduated from the Music school in Varna, “Dobri Hristov” in the piano class of Mrs. Julka Jekova. She continued her education at the Academy of Music and Dance in Plovdiv,Bulgaria, specialty musical pedagogy.
She worked five years in a children's choir representative, Dobrich, under the direction of maestro Zachary Mednikarov.
She is an accompanist at the National Opera Varna.
Since 1986, with some interruptions, she worked as choirmaster of the Teachers’ Choir ARS MUSIC, and from 2012 Mrs. Marinova is its conductor.
Vesselina Marinova - conductor
Born in Varna, graduated from the Music school in Varna, “Dobri Hristov” in the piano class of Mrs. Julka Jekova. She continued her education at the Academy of Music and Dance in Plovdiv,Bulgaria, specialty musical pedagogy.
She worked five years in a children's choir representative, Dobrich, under the direction of maestro Zachary Mednikarov.
She is an accompanist at the National Opera Varna.
Since 1986, with some interruptions, she worked as choirmaster of the Teachers’ Choir ARS MUSIC, and from 2012 Mrs. Marinova is its conductor.
Роден в гр.Варна, завършва НУИ „Добри Христов“ в класа по пиано на Мария Гинева, а по-късно и в Московската държавна консерватория в класа на проф. Михаил Воскресенски.
Носител е на първа награда от националния конкурс „Светослав Обретенов“, гр. Провадия (1982г.) и от международния конкурс за пианисти „Мария Каналс“ в Барселона, Испания (1986г. ) Отличен е в редица конкурси в България, Италия, Португалия, Япония.
Работи като преподавател по пиано в Националното училище по изкуствата „Д. Христов” и същевременно концертира. Носител е на награда „Варна“ за учител на годината - 2009г.
Записва на клавесин V Бранденбургски концерт на Й.С.Бах, заедно с Бранденбургския камерен оркестър (Германия); участва в Международния музикален фестивал „Варненско лято през 2005 и 2008г., като изпълнител на орган. От 2012г е корепетитор на хора на варненските учители АРС МУЗИКА.
Boyan Bachvarov - accompanist
Born in Varna, graduated from the Music school in Varna “Dobri Hristov" in the piano class of Mrs. Maria Gineva and later at the Moscow State Conservatory in the class of prof. Mikhail Voskresensky.
He has won first prize in the national competition "Obretenov" in Provadia (1982) and the international piano competition "Maria Canals" in Barcelona, Spain (1986).
He works as piano teacher at the National School of Arts in Varna and in 2009 was awarded with the prize "Varna- Teacher of the year”.
Mr.Bachvarov has records on harpsichord of the V Brandenburg Concerto of J.S.Bach, together with the Brandenburg Chamber Orchestra (Germany); He has participated in the International Music Festival "Varna Summer” in 2005 and 2008, as performer of organ music.
Since 2012 he is accompanist in the Teachers’ Choir ARS MUSIC.
Boyan Bachvarov - accompanist
Born in Varna, graduated from the Music school in Varna “Dobri Hristov" in the piano class of Mrs. Maria Gineva and later at the Moscow State Conservatory in the class of prof. Mikhail Voskresensky.
He has won first prize in the national competition "Obretenov" in Provadia (1982) and the international piano competition "Maria Canals" in Barcelona, Spain (1986).
He works as piano teacher at the National School of Arts in Varna and in 2009 was awarded with the prize "Varna- Teacher of the year”.
Mr.Bachvarov has records on harpsichord of the V Brandenburg Concerto of J.S.Bach, together with the Brandenburg Chamber Orchestra (Germany); He has participated in the International Music Festival "Varna Summer” in 2005 and 2008, as performer of organ music.
Since 2012 he is accompanist in the Teachers’ Choir ARS MUSIC.